Published: Tue, 04/26/16


Much has been happening with our communications here at Quakerdale over the past several years. We expanded our web presence from a single website to multiple ministry sites, and added social media accounts to go along with each of them. These tools have expanded our ability to communicate in many ways. You can now:

Continue to receive our standard mailings:
  • Spring and Fall News & Views magazines,
  • Mid-year & Year-end appeal letters, and/or
  • Annual Report
  • to a monthly digital newsletter from Quakerdale that links you to all the news from Quakerdale and its ministries,
  • to a monthly digital newsletter from each individual ministry so you just get the news that most interests you, and/or
  • to special lists such as:
    • Lennox/Quakerdale Invitational ProAm Golf Tournament News
    • Quakerdale Winter Classic Tournament News
    • Financial Partner Giving Opportunities as they become available
    • Press Releases
    • Quakerdale Digital Content, and more …
Follow us daily on social media using Facebook, Twitter, and/or Google+ (we are adding Pinterest soon!)

That brings us to the reason for this email: What is this list, how did I get on it, and how will it be used going forward?

This is the Quakerdale agency wide digital newsletter list. Your email was placed on this list several years ago when Quakerdale started experimenting with email “blasts.” At that time, we would send out an occasional broadcast about a special event, news story, or other piece of information we thought would interest you. It was NOT, however, a monthly subscription list. That is how we will be using this list going forward. Members will get a monthly email with links to all the news for one month across all of Quakerdale. This publication will be sent on the 5th of every month to your email inbox.

If this is NOT what you want to be a part of, then please click the “Unsubscribe” button below and you will be removed from this mailing.

If you wish to receive these emails for a while, but are unsure about how long you want them, then just let things ride. If you should choose to discontinue at a later date, simply click the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any email you receive and you will be removed.

I hope this answers any questions you may have about “WHY DID I GET THIS EMAIL?” If you still have questions, or need help in any way, please feel free to contact me:

Daniel L. Smith
Director of Development, Quakerdale
(641) 497-5294 or Development@Quakerdale.org

PS – Interested in any of the resources mentioned above?

CLICK HERE for a list of our ministry websites
CLICK HERE for a list of our subscription list options

26866 County Highway S55
New Providence IA 50206
(641) 497-5294 -- Info@Quakerdale.org